In this space I am exploring things that pique my interest. All too often I have set aside curiosities, or gave them just a moment’s thought because, like most people “I’m too busy”. I am cringing right now.
Too busy?!
A conversation with my sister-in-law that I often reflect upon was particularly impactful. She was venting about people who say they are too busy (mind you, at the time, I was an offender, I conveniently kept this observation to myself). She correctly observed,
"People aren’t too busy, they just don’t choose to commit the time."
I love the accountability of that statement.
Am I too busy to plant a Martha Stewart garden? Nope, I am choosing to spend the afternoon working with the kiddos on homework. Am I too busy to read that novel on my nightstand? Nope, I am choosing to have a cup of tea with a friend.
Honestly, the first few times I tried this, I didn’t like it because I didn’t want to admit that I was intentionally not choosing to do something that I really wanted to do (that darn Type A trying to come out).
After a lot of practice, I now find this to be empowering because I am in control of how I spend my time (ok, that sounds a little Type A too, but I like to think of it as a bit of a concession). We don’t have all the time in the world to explore, so we must view our own curiosities as valuable and make time for them.
What am I curious about you might be thinking? Well, the list is long. My brain kinda never shuts off, and Pinterest has only added to this tendency. In real life, I love organization and living a simple life, but my personal Pinterest account wouldn’t reflect this sentiment. Truth be told, I have become somewhat of a virtual hoarder. Here’s another other confession, I want to be a DIYer, but don’t always have the best luck with projects. In this space you will see me succeed (hopefully) and fail (such is life) as I try. I hope you learn from both scenarios.
I'm curious about:
- Coconut Oil Pulling
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Anti-Cancer Everything – so over cancer
- Growing Loofas (So…I always thought these grew in the ocean, but I guess they also grow in gardens?! Seriously, this discovery made my week!)
- Sustainable Living
- Bees & Honey
My aspirational crunchy list! So much to explore, but let’s be real, it’s a bit of work. Just like you, I have 8 million and 1 things to do before adding the crunch factor. I like dabble in it, but full on Crunchy is for me completely unattainable. For the sake of my family, friends, and my own sanity, I am choosing “Semi-Crunchy” living.
But there’s more, I am also interested in:
Healthy Eating – meals that don’t take F-O-R-E-V-E-R to make.
Yummy treats – sometimes a chocolate chip cookie makes all the difference in a day.
Working out – this may be, in part, because I want to counteract those yummy treats.
Sewing, knitting, needlepoint – hobbies that remind me of my grandmothers (warm happy memories).
Science Experiments for Kids – Science was my favorite subject in school and I love sharing this with the kiddos.
Kiddo Fun – I warn my kids all the time not to grow up, its way more fun to be a kid.
Parties – I’m always up for a reason to celebrate: a milestone birthday – for sure and truly there is no holiday too small – eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day – I’m in!
Reading – from non-fiction to beach reads, embracing my inner nerd.
Gifts – items to give, ways to package and present the gifts. Pretty much everything about gifts. I just love making people feel special.
Christmas – I love the day itself, but it’s the season (by season I mean the day after Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve) that provide endless opportunities to spread Christmas Cheer.
That was the quick list I made today, there will be more added. If you are so inclined, comment with what you are curious about because, it probably should be on my list too!