When you find yourself amid a good book, do you ever start thinking of whom you will share it with once finished? When I find myself in this position, I know that I am reading a jewel! Lucky for me, I am in this position right now, less than twenty pages away from finishing a fabulous book. (It will be in my favorite books of 2021 post coming in January.)
Because this book is extra special, I decided that is deserves a pretty wrap and have been curious to try furoshiki (the Japanese style of gift wrap using silk or cloth). So, I did.
My furoshiki was inspired by this tutorial from Joann’s for cloth napkins.
½ yard of fabric
Rotary cutter, mat & ruler
Sewing machine
Tip: Cotton fabric worked well for me because it was easy to cut, iron, and fold. Any fabric will work, but I would expect some to be more challenging, silk or lycra for instance are ones that I would save for when I had time to practice.
Step One: Make the Furoshiki
1.Cut a 17"X 17" square of fabric.
2.With the pretty side on the counter, fold a side in one inch and iron a crease. Open the fabric and fold the outermost edge to the crease (or in ½”) and press with the iron.
3.Repeat on each side.
4.Unfold and trim each corner.
5.Refold each side. (At this point, you will have pretty finished edges on the underside of your fabric.)
6.On your sewing machine, select your stitch (I used a straight stitch), and make an even stitch around the perimeter of your square.
Step Two: Wrap the gift
1.Begin with the pretty side of your cloth on the counter in a diamond shape.
2.Place your gift in the center of the cloth and bring the bottom corner to meet the top. Then tuck the top corner underneath the gift.
3.Fold the top corner to the bottom edge of the gift.
4.Use the side corners to tie in a knot over the top.
5.Slip a card just under the knot to hold in place.
Clearly most of the effort goes into creating the furoshiki. If you find yourself short on time, you might pick up a linen napkin at the store (or maybe a vintage one from your home), but if you have the time, it is a fun little project.
I have loved this book, and love that I get to pass it along to a friend. Happy reading, and happy gifting!